Friday 6 January 2012

Zen and the art of thinking in singular

Sometimes I wonder when I look in your eyes,
if maybe you're thinking,
of doing some guy...

But mostly I'm thinking,
you're thinking:
"When  will he vanish or die?"
Or maybe,
you're not thinking.
Or maybe you're  thinking...
of nothing at all...
Maybe it's just me, that's doing it all..
All the thinking...
You, doing nothing at all.
Just being yourself,
doing your own thing,
never bothering to think of me at all!

Such a waste of good thoughts, I thought..
Or is it: Such wasteful  thoughts?
Or maybe it is bad thoughts....
Lesser thoughts,
Naughty thoughts..
Worthless thoughts!
Thoughts nonetheless.
Better than no thoughts at all...

I was thinking:
"What a waste of a thinking brain!"

But thinking alone
Is like drinking alone...

There's no fun in it,
'cause there's no one else in it
None to share in it
No one to cry for it

Nobody to laugh about it
None to be aware of it

None to praise me
No one to correct me
Nobody to contradict me...

What a sad thought, I thought.


  1. "I think, therefore I am..."
    To speak, to think, to be..
    I am but a thinking being.
    If not for thought,
    we would be nought but apes.
    Even erroneous thoughts may lead
    to new and wonderous things.
    Brilliant things,
    stupid things,
    entertaining things...
    So, will you entertain me with your thoughts??

  2. Cogito ergo sum....
    Dubito, cogito, sum.
