Monday 26 September 2011

Chemical analysis of the curious case of the Polish princess of physics

Marie you were born to be great.
Genetically favoured by the dice of DNA.
But not per chance,
For your pedigree provides the proof
Of your superior bloodline and intellect
That sealed your fate.

Your first love was not to be
Too poor were you for his family
So you turned your back on Poland,
But not to the cause.
For even at the Sorbonne
You thought of your home in Warsaw

You buried your sorrow in studies
In the cause of your work you found
The one that were to fill your soul
The one whose name you would take
For Pierre the Curious gave his name to you
He gave his brain to you
He gave his life to you
As you gave your love to him
As you gave your insight to him
And all of your time
And all of your knowledge
And all of your thoughts

You were the brain,
You were the force
You were the one
Who defined the search
Who made the discovery
Who had to share the fame
For you were the first
The trailblazer
The woman who broke the ice
The one who ignored the mould

The one who still blazes the trail
Nobel one for physics
Nobel two for chemistry
And yet still not finished
The line through mitochondrial DNA
Your daughter in your footsteps
Nobel prize as well
With HER husband like you.
And still not the end
Granddaughter the first
To get the status the powers that be
Denied you Marie,
Just because
You're a woman, Marie.
Your name lives on
Marie Curie
Your work lives on
Marie Curie
Your spirit lives on
Maria Salomea Sklodowska Curie

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